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Aluminum alloy sacrificial anode

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Jiaozuo Libo Light Alloy Co., Ltd.

Company News

Use method of zinc belt

  • Author:Libo
  • Source:wm.bettertravelagency.com
  • Date:2021-06-11
  • Click:0

1, the use of zinc belt:  


Because the pipe in the casing is shielded by the cement casing and the cathodic protection current is shielded, the pipe in the casing can not be protected, so it is the most economical and reasonable method to install the banded zinc alloy anode in the crossing.  


2. Installation method  


According to the theoretical calculation, the length of zinc strip needed for the crossing place is generally 4 times that of the protected pipeline, that is, to protect the pipeline at the crossing place of 1 meter, it needs 4 meters of zinc strip.  When installation take zinc set on the pipeline, zinc with one end of the welding on the protected pipe welds shall be within one meter of the cement casing opening, so that the casing seal), the zinc strip winding on the pipeline, winding, the zinc strip fixed by fastening belt, will take the other side of the zinc and welding on the pipe, after welding, anticorrosive processing.  






