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Industry News

Sacrificial anode casing aluminum anode manufacturer

  • Author:Libo
  • Source:wm.bettertravelagency.com
  • Date:2021-06-11
  • Click:0

Sacrificial anode casing aluminum anode manufacturer

The current density required by cathodic protection to reduce the corrosion rate of a metal to a permissible level is called the minimum protection current density. The minimum protective current density corresponds to the minimum protective potential. In order for the metal to reach the minimum protective potential, the current density must not be less than this value, and if the current density used is much more than this value, "overprotection" may occur.

Sacrificial anode casing aluminum anode manufacturer

Minimum protection current density and the protected metal species, the nature of the corrosive medium, the total resistance of the protective circuit metal surface whether there is a cover layer and layer, the kinds of factors, such as the external environment condition must be based on experience and the actual situation to judge, table 2 lists the values, the protection of our country in recent years, the use of current density Table 3 lists the general protection current density indices for various types of ships provided by WILSON TAYLOR, UK.






